STMicroelectronics BlueNRG-MS 蓝牙智能网络处理器
添加时间:2022/1/4 12:35:20    来源:本站  阅读次数 441

STMicroelectronics BlueNRG-MS Bluetooth® 智能网络处理器电流消耗低,用于钮扣电池供电的智能设备应用。 这些处理器非常适用于需要运行数月甚至数年的蓝牙应用。 BlueNRG-MS 运行嵌入式蓝牙低功耗协议栈 GAP、GATT、SM、L2CAP、LL 和嵌入式 Cortex®-M0 内核上的 RF-PHY。 BlueNRG-MS 通过基于 SPI 的专有接口连接至运行该应用程序的主机 MCU。 

The BlueNRG-MS supports master and slave roles and can operate as central (managing up to 8 peripherals) or peripheral device without any change in the firmware. The Bluetooth profiles are provided separately and meant to run in the host MCU.


· Bluetooth specification v4.1 compliant master and slave single-mode Bluetooth low energy network processor

· Embedded Bluetooth low energy protocol stack of GAP, GATT, SM, L2CAP, LL, RF-PHY

· Bluetooth low energy profiles are provided separately

· Operating supply voltage from 1.7 to 3.6V

· 8.2mA maximum TX current (@0dBm, 3.0V)

· Down to 1.7μA current consumption with active BLE stack

· Integrated linear regulator and DC-DC stepdown converter

· Up to 8dBm available output power (at antenna connector)

· Excellent RF link budget (up to 96dB)

· Accurate RSSI to allow power control

· Proprietary application controller interface (ACI), SPI based, allows interfacing with an external host application microcontroller

· Full link controller and host security

· High performance, ultra-low power Cortex-M0 32-bit based architecture core

· On-chip non-volatile Flash memory

· AES security co-processor

· Low power modes

· 16 or 32MHz crystal oscillator

· 12MHz ring oscillator

· 32kHz crystal oscillator

· 32kHz ring oscillator

· Battery voltage monitor

· Compliant with the following radio frequency regulations: ETSI EN 300 328, EN 300 440, FCC CFR47 Part 15, ARIB STD-T66

· Available in QFN32 (5x5mm) and WLCSP34 (2.66x2.56mm) packages

· Operating temperature range -40°C to 85°C


· Watches

· Fitness, wellness and sports

· Consumer medical

· Security/proximity

· Remote control

· Home and industrial automation

· Assisted living

· Mobile phone peripherals

· PC peripherals


